Exhibition of water mills made of recyclable materials

Testing of drinkable water at school

Activities in Latvia

 Šajā gadā mēs turpinām projektu un ikviens ir aicināts piedalīties!


Projekta plakāts

Work never stops!

Till now we have managed to make a contest for logos. Made presentations about water bodies in Latvia and how to preserve from water pollution. 

We divided in groups and made videos about Latvian folklore.

We are thinking about devices - how to take water samples.

We also made presentations - how to make energy from water!

Here are our sketches and ideas how we will develop a device to take water samples. 

Haikas in English, translated from Latvian

 Ocean is so big

A puddle is so small

Both are something alive



Water is always flowing

Everywhere and without stopping

Just you don' t stop



The sky is clear

The waves are slowly

I don't want to talk


The water is building

a bridge over Daugava

Will I cross it?



Here are our drawings about made Haikas:

Students' drawings - a drop of water

Our students video - how important rivers in Latvia were made!

Based on Latvian folklore, our students made videos how the biggest river in Latvia Daugava and the fastest river Gauja were made! 


How river Daugava was made

Devil vs Gauja

How a Devil made the fastest river in Latvia "Gauja"!

Made by 9th graders.


We meet each other every week. We do different activities. We also have excursions to different scientific institutions.

 Latvijas logo uzvarētājs (autors Artis Vijups, 7. b klase).